All of the Plaids
Hi everyone,
It’s been sooooo long since I last wrote on my blog but let’s skip my normal spiel because Rohit and my family will make fun of me for taking so many breaks from social media the past two years. What can I say, life is crazy and unpredictable…so let’s just skip to Gala de Govind fashion advice.
As you all know, I love fall fashion – the colors, the layers, the sweaters and all of the plaids. I truly believe fall is the best time to know if an individual is really in tune with fashion because he/she has to channel their inner creativity. During an Oktoberfest party hosted graciously by some of our wonderful friends, I layered my long-sleeve plaid shirt over my sweater dress. Both of these pieces are classics and can be worn individually or layered differently throughout the year.
For example, this dress can be worn by itself during the spring/summer months or paired with a cardigan during the winter months. You can also pair the plaid shirt with jeans/skirt or add a sweater on top. Also, you can add a few different accessories like hats/scarf or alternate shoes to change up the entire attire. There are endless ways to transition both of these pieces in between seasons.
I encourage you all this season to find a few pieces in your closet that you absolutely love and want to style differently. I truly believe it’s the easiest way to look fashionable without breaking the bank! I hope you all enjoyed my look and my recommendations on styling clothes in various ways. Please feel free to let me know what you think.
Dress: Abercrombie and Fitch - Click Here
Shirt: Old Navy - Click Here
Shoes: Nike - Click Here
Hugs and Kisses
Krupali Govind

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