Winter Blues
Hi Galas!
I’m so excited to be writing my first official post for 2020. I know, it’s kind of late since it’s already February, but I was extremely busy with work and year-end financials so I deserve a little bit of slack, haha.
Anyways, a couple of weeks ago, my friend was celebrating his 30th birthday in the city. It was a rainy and snowy day & believe it or not, I did not have any going-out pants in the house to wear! #truestory. I had no idea how to dress for below freezing weather and obviously rolling up at 48 Lounge in a hoodie/sweats wouldn’t have been acceptable (the bouncer would definitely be like “Bye Felica”)!
To shelter myself from the bitter cold, I had to coordinate my outfit to match my “warm-accessories” - black stockings, black boots and a fur scarf. Therefore, my royal blue skirt with a dressy black top was the perfect outfit to match and to take away any winter blues for the night! I was bundled-up and ready for a night out in NYC.
The summary of my blog post is that you can always recreate outfits from your existing wardrobe. Never feel the need to constantly shop for new outfits. You can always mix and match your clothes for every occasion. Hope you all enjoyed reading!
Top: (Lulu's) - 1. Similar Here 2. Similar Here
Skirt: (Express) - 1. Similar here 2. Similar here
Tights: (Target) - Click Here
Shoes: (Zara) - Similar Here
Scarf: (Dubai Mall) - Similar Here
Hugs and Kisses
Krupali Govind-Mehta