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#TBT - Paris Proposal

Happy proposal-versary to my handsome fiancé, Rohit Mehta! I absolutely CANNOT wait to the tie the knot with you and start the beginning of our happily ever after together. On this joyous day, I’m finally revealing all the details behind our fairytale proposal (this has been among the most requested messages I’ve received)! I hope our story spreads smiles across your faces and inspires more creative proposal ideas – for me this was a dream come true!

I’ve always wanted to visit Paris with my significant other because of the vibes and atmosphere - it’s the “city of love” for a reason. Therefore, when Rohit and his parents suggested to go on a family vacation to visit their relatives, Gagan and Priya, I literally jumped for joy and immediately started counting down the days to take-off!

Rohit described our Paris trip as one where we would have a little time to spend to ourselves, with the majority of it being spent with family and friends. We spent most of the days roaming around the city, drinking wine and eating delicious food. Everything was very normal, and I wasn’t at all expecting anything earth-shattering to happen. Rohit used my fashion-blog to his advantage, and convinced me to get ready early on Saturday morning before everyone else woke up to have a private photoshoot for some amazing portfolio pictures. He also convinced me that we would have some alone time finally with a traditional Paris breakfast filled with wine and other delicious pastries. Of course I agreed.

I spent the better part of a few hours early in the morning of 4/21/2018 getting ready for the promised shoot and a traditional Paris breakfast. As we headed to the Trocadero in front of the Eiffel Tower, I asked Rohit why he decided to suit up for the photoshoot and he responded saying, “it would be a great initial shot for Gala de Govind Men” (which he knew I wanted to eventually start once I had a ring on my finger…). Once we got there and took a few casual pictures, a student photographer came over and requested to take pictures of the both of us with our camera for a school project.

Rohit thought it was great idea (obviously…keep reading...) but I was very hesitant to give up my camera to a stranger (yes I was afraid of something being stolen, the worst thoughts, etc haha). Eventually she asked for me to take all of my stuff off, including my YSL bag, which freaked me out even more (at one point I told Rohit that I thought she was a gypsy haha!). While I was visibly worried, as we took more pictures with varied poses I started to relax a little. Then came the surprise of my life: as Rohit put our last bit of stuff next to the student photographer, we took one more picture and there he was down on one knee in front of the Eiffel Tower. As I started hyperventilating in my mind, Rohit immediately said three things to me: 1. I’m sorry but we won’t be spending the day alone anymore, 2. Your parents flew into Paris to surprise you for this special moment, and 3. I love you very much and want to spend the rest of my life with you, so will you marry me? (or some form of that, I am still in awe to this day and might not remember the whole bit!!)”. I was obviously beyond ecstatic and at a loss for words that in this moment, context and background I got popped the question. I couldn’t believe that we were in Paris, in front of the Eiffel Tower and in such a surprising fashion I was about to say yes to the man of my dreams. After immediately saying yes, crying out of pure bliss and joy, and having overall feelings of adrenaline and excitement, I saw both of our families enter the Trocadero which just amplified all of my feelings ten-fold. As Rohit knows, I usually hate surprises, but this one will be one I remember for the rest of my life. In fact, I can still feel the goosebumps of excitement and emotion like the day happened yesterday.

And now, I’m looking forward to officially become Mr. and Mrs. Mehta on July 20th! After such a jaw-dropping proposal, I know Rohit will likely have something in-store for the wedding festivities. I cannot wait for the day to come any faster!

I hope you all enjoyed our proposal story and will stay tuned for our upcoming wedding details. I’ll create blog posts specifically for wedding planning / ideas after July 20th. Thanks everyone for reading and for your constant support!

Hugs and Kisses

Krupali Govind

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