Gala in Street Style
Hey Galas,
I apologize for being MIA once again but I had so many exciting life events happening. I recently started a new job in New Jersey, got engaged to the love of my life in Paris and started wedding planning. These past few weeks have been absolutely magical and I cannot wait to see how the rest of the year unfolds. But for now, I’m back with some fashion inspiration for you all!
Recently, many celebrities like Olivia Culpo and Gigi Hadid have made headlines for killing the “street-style” game. This concept expresses individualism by using different styles and trends based on the individual’s unique taste. This phenomenon has inspired me to create my very own “street-style” outfit.
I styled my Marl Grey midi dress with a denim jacket and pink pom-pom sneakers for a chic and effortless vibe. This knitted dress is simple, soft, warm and extremely versatile. I complemented my dress with a denim jacket that can be styled in two different ways: around your wait or by actually wearing it (ideal for a chilly day or during transitioning seasons). I finished this look by wearing contrasting pink sneakers. The pom-poms on my sneakers are my favorite because they are eye-catching and give a hint of girliness.
I absolutely loved putting together this “street-style” look because it encouraged me to be creative and think outside of the box and really look at what I like as a person. I hope this look has inspired you all to create your very own unique outfit. Like always, hashtag #inspiredbygala so I can see your outfits.
Also, I want to specially thank Kristin Ulmer for taking these incredible blogging pictures of my street-style outfit. I'm so glad to have met her through the blogging industry and form an amazing friendship with her. She's such an easy-going and awesome person to work with so please be sure to check out her photography services at and personally blog at Enjoy!
Dress: Lulu's - 1) Similar one
Jacket: Vici Dolls - 1) Similar one 2) Similar one
Sneakers: Nordstrom - 1) Similar one 2) Exact one
Watch: Bloomingdales - 1) Similar one
Hugs and Kisses
Krupali Govind